您好: The left ear is 碃憨百窖知忌版媳保颅next to the heart,so say good things to the left ear.如果对你有帮助,请采纳!祝你学习更上一层楼,数学辅导团为你解决疑问!
3、 我看见一团脏乱的垃圾用英语翻译怎么说
I see a 花肌羔可薏玖割雪公磨dirty trash. 我看见一团脏乱的垃圾。
4、 很容易弄脏这个句子用英语怎么说
很容易弄脏Very easy to dirty
5、 雷鬼头和脏辫的区别用英语怎么说
雷鬼头和脏辫的区别The difference between dreadlocks and dreadlocks.脏辫dreadlocks(把头发袱场递渡郛盗店醛锭互紧紧缠在一起的一种发型)狮子鬣毛一样梳向脑后的“脏辫儿”、哥特式苍白的忧郁面孔,再加上高高瘦瘦的身材,这让从事摇滚音乐的大树走到哪里都显得惹眼。Dirty plait combed toward back, white and gloomy face like Goth style, tall and slender body, allabove make Big Tree and his rock shinning everywhere. 希望能帮助到你,望采纳!!!!
6、 污脏的的英语翻译 污脏的用英语怎么说
污脏的 [词典] blurry; [例句]提出了一种在线测量冷凝器污脏程度的新方法。A novel approach for on-line measuring fouling in condenser is proposed.
4、 很容易弄脏这个句子用英语怎么说
很容易弄脏Very easy to dirty
5、 雷鬼头和脏辫的区别用英语怎么说
雷鬼头和脏辫的区别The difference between dreadlocks and dreadlocks.脏辫dreadlocks(把头发袱场递渡郛盗店醛锭互紧紧缠在一起的一种发型)狮子鬣毛一样梳向脑后的“脏辫儿”、哥特式苍白的忧郁面孔,再加上高高瘦瘦的身材,这让从事摇滚音乐的大树走到哪里都显得惹眼。Dirty plait combed toward back, white and gloomy face like Goth style, tall and slender body, allabove make Big Tree and his rock shinning everywhere. 希望能帮助到你,望采纳!!!!