
1、 作文《有趣的事情》200字

  • 一次有趣的事  今天是星期六,天气晴朗,万里无云,我和我以前的好朋友去楼下的空地打羽毛球。  到了楼下,我们开始了“进攻”  首先由他发球。只见他将球抛向空中,再用球拍打出去,再空中形成一道完美的弧线。“想迷惑我,没门!”我想。我用球拍挡回去,他没接到。  第二回合,由我发球。我将球拿在右腿旁,再用球拍挥过去,这样不仅对手接球准确率低,而且力量大。没想到,他居然将球挡了回来,我没有防备,丢失了一分。  第三回合,我们打得难解难分,你一球,我一球,我都有点不耐烦了,我看准机会,用远球将他斩于马下………  几个回合下来,胜负难分………  突然,我用斜球打过去,他为了接这个球,摔了一个大马哈,成了一只小花猫长弗拜煌之号瓣铜抱扩。他站起来,说“我回去擦干净,明天接着打。”  后来,我以一球得微弱优势,赢了他。  今天过得真有趣呀!
  • 2、 求英语作文一篇“介绍家乡”内容需有:有趣的事情,人们从事的活动,文化与重大节日,为何爱你的家乡

    • 英文200字左右或是一段中文介绍【家乡为河南】
    • 分公司的光明顶上

    3、 英语作文写了一个有趣的事情。

    • 冬季一件有趣的事情,题目自拟,写登山
    • A Funny Thing A funny thing happened to me last Friday. I’d gone to London to do some shopping. I wanted to get some Christmas presents, and I needed to find some books for my course at school (you see, I’m a student). I caught an early train to London so by early afternoon I’d bought everything that I wanted. Anyway, I’m not very fond of London, all the noise and traffic, and I’d made some arrangements for that evening. So, I took a taxi to Waterloo station. I can’t really afford taxis, but I wanted to get the 3:30 train. Unfortunately the taxi got stuck in a traffic jam, and by the time I got to Waterloo, the train had just gone. I had to wait an hour for the next one. I bought an evening newspaper the ’Standard’, and wandered over to the station buffet. At that time of day it’s nearly empty, so I bought a coffee and a packet of biscuits–chocolate biscuits. I’m yew fond of chocolate biscuits. There were plenty of empty tables and I found one near the window. I sat down and began doing the crossword. enjoy doing crossword puzzles. After a couple of minutes a man sat down opposite me. There was nothing special about him, except that he was very tall. In fact he looked like a typical city businessman–you know, dark suit and briefcase. I didn’t say anything and I carried on with my crossword. Suddenly he reached across the table, opened my packet of biscuits, took one, dipped it into his coffee and popped it into his mouth, I couldn’t believe my eyes! I was too shocked to say……余下全文