outgoing adj
1 [attrib 作定语]
(a) going out; leaving 外出的; 离开的
an outgoing ship, tide 离岸的船、 退落的潮水
the outgoing tenant, ie the one who is leaving the house 即将迁出的房客.
(b) leaving office, a political post, etc 将离任、 离职等的
the outgoing government 即行交班的政府
the outgoing president 将卸任的总统.
2 friendly and sociable 友好而好交际的; 外向的
She′s very outgoing. 她很外向.
an outgoing personality 外向的个性
- 求给我大神解答
- 施工人员做的记号。一般地下就要走线路了。具体走什么我也不知道。
- It might take a 护涪篙皇蕻郝戈酮恭捆week to go out. 不妨花一个星期时间外出旅行
- 法场瘁渡诓盗搭醛但互My grandma gets lost easily when she walks outside alone.
当你外出时,拜托你信任的邻居帮你看家 翻译成英文单
- 当你外出时,拜托你信任的邻居帮你看家When you are out, please trust your neighbor to watch the door for you.
- Just as he went out, the telephone rang.