






  • See underestimate这两个词合起来什么意思?
  • 看到不足之处看到缺点


  • 中文见图片,由于文章还未发表,只能截图,见谅哈!下面是英文翻译,存在语法问题,麻烦帮忙修改,请用心帮忙,感激不尽,如果不专业的还请不要耽误啦!In consideration of the gradual increase of theelectrical equipment and the power supply ripple requirements more and morehigh, hence we designed a kind of power supply system of high-power and lowripple 24-volt change to 5-volt, it adopted centralized power supply which can providepower to several modules directly. A design method of buck power module basedon LM5005 is proposed in this paper. The characteristics of principal devicesare analyzed,and the calculation methodof partial device is derived. According to the parameters of current, rippleand efficiency,the parameters of main pe-ripheral circuits were designed and analyzed.The group testing was performed for the power module. After being tested, thepower supply system can provide an average of 15 W of load power,and ripple canreach less than 100mV, it can meet the requirements of most of the power supplyequipment. runs steadily,Low noise, and it has quiet good maintenance. Therefore,The power supply system solves the problems of the traditional vehicleequipment power supply mode, which exist in many problems, such as independent buckmodule, low power utilization ratio, difference load capacity and large outputpower supply ripple.问题补充: 由于部分是百度翻译整句翻译的,个人觉得不太符合语法习惯,因为是要发表的文章,还请有经验的老师帮忙对照中文整理和修改一下,对之前帮忙修改的同志我会以其他方式给你奖励,抱歉我不能采纳!
  • In consideration of the gradual increase of the(错误,加空格) electrical equipment(错误,复数形式 )and the power supply ripple requirements more and more(错误,加空格)high, hence(单词错误,改成and so)we designed a kind of power supply system of(错误,介词用with)high-power and low(加空格)ripple 24-volt change(改成changing) to 5-volt, it adopted centralized power supply which can provide(加空格)power to several modules directly. A design method of buck power module based(错误有两处,一:加空格;二:based改成basing)on LM5005 is proposed in this paper. The characteristics of principal devices错误,加空格are analyzed,and the calculation method错误空格of partial device is derived. According to the parameters of current(电流?这样的话就没错误), ripple空格and efficiency,the parameters of main pe-ripheral circuits were designed and analyzed.The group testing was performed for the power module. After being tested, the(空格)power supply system can provide an average of 15 W of load power,and ripple canreach less than(这里如果表达的意思是可以至少提供多少电压,应该用 more than, less than 为不超过的意思 ) 100mV, it can meet the requirements of most of the power supply空格equipment(错误,前边是most,所以变成复数equipments). 此处改成(It can also run…)runs steadily,Low noise, and it has quiet(单次错误,应该是quite吧) good maintenance. Therefore,The power supply system solves the problems of the traditional vehicleequipment(改成equipments表示传统机械的…) power supply mode, (此处去掉逗号和which,将exist变成existing withmany problms)which exist in many problems, such as independent buckmodule, low power utilization ratio, difference load capaci……余下全文


  • 问题补充: 经典的那些专业课都学了,想要点新鲜的。
  • 被改编成同名电影的小说 暮光之城 。个人觉得还可以,我练指法时用的就是这部小说。望采纳


  • 我希望这个问题是英语很不错的学霸来回答,我很喜欢那种看过了英文原版之後对自己实际的写作以及语法有帮助
  • 其实很多时候即便你的词汇量很大也不一定能读懂,想要读懂重要的是文章前后的衔接联想,以及自己平时要多读多想积累经验。


  • 最好不要粘贴,适合做ppt用的那种(剧集简介,人物介绍,播出影响,和未来发展方向什么的)单词别太复杂鄙人英语略垃圾。。就是想安利下。。速度!!!!!!!!!!!!!!多谢!做得好的加悬赏
  • 所以说wikipidea不能用? 中英文都有啊….


  • ;jtions j; nt;r jtivo bieouvuls ;o ;zjiu zo;a jti hoiykgvqin ;z e nqt;;b igkqejv;us rtioi jtixtieo ;z u;jtvul ibnis eoi ebrexn jebcvul ;z jti euqviujns en n;aijtvul a;oi jteu aius eug ;z jtia;giouns en n;aijtvul binnm分号也替换成字母,中间空格保持就好
  • 没看懂…..

▲找一篇英文演讲稿,和环保有关的。 ▲三分钟左右。 ▲词汇量不要太大。

  • 问题补充: ▲最好伴随着中文翻译。 ?
  • 篇英文演讲稿


  • 问题补充: 这个叫什么? 有没有app呢?
  • 这个比较新,好像还没有一个学术名字吧,起码我看到的几次都没说给这个现象去个名字,都是在解释。找了一下,还真有一个app : Spritz可惜“Spritz 目前仅在三星 Galaxy S5 及 智能手表 Gear 2 上使用”补充:找到名字了 Rapid Serial Visual Presentation (RSVP)


  • Your vocabulary is not so much is y害互愤就莅脚缝协俯茅ou get to the Internet


  • 英文词汇量达到3700就能看懂的英文小说原著合集有没有啊?最好百度云因为暑假想提高一下英语水平但是词汇量少不知道该看什么书籂迹焚克莳久锋勋福魔=_=所以帮帮忙吧。
  • 没有啊白度云