curiosity名词 curious是形容词。没有动词形式。 adj:
2.造句: Ibegantobe?curious?aboutthewhereaboutsofthebrideandgroom 我对新娘新郎的行踪开始产生了兴趣 shewas?curious?toknow?whathadhappened. 她很想知道发生了什么事。
3.n: 1.好奇(心);求知欲;奇物;奇事 2.造句: Filledwith?curiosity,shepeeredthroughthewindow. 她满心好奇地透过窗户盯着看。
- You can see your spouse information and marital quality. From the birthday of the eight words, we can see whether a person to their feelings are wholeheartedly. So, how to predict the number of marriages? How to measure marriage? Eight character marriage has been a Chinese tradition since ancient times. Come and have a look.The eight character prediction of the marriage age: When you are strong, you have more men (wealth) and more women (officials), which means more love time. When there are more than two or more, early marriage is bound to divorce. When the body is weak, a man has a lot, but listen to his wife. Many women (officials) are not good for their health. Womens lives are not good for their health. Womens lives are not good for their health. Or take peach blossom luck, or conquer parents. Ones life is in the afternoon. Famous women are on the verge of failure, and the master wife is not right. If the wife has an affair, the first marriage cannot end, so she has to remarry. A womans life cant be a second marriage. Human life is the terrestrial branch of the month of birth. This is the marriage palace. If it is destroyed by punishment, the marriage will be unstable. Mens fortune stars are going to get married, so its easy to get a second marriage to a woman or fall in love triangle 8. Mens life months and the days of punishment and oppression are incompatible with husband and wife, and they are easy to divorce.
- 你让别人怎么翻译一点标点符号都没有,都是英文字母,难搞。
这句中文用英语说的话,这样翻译可以吗: 人家都说法国人很浪漫,那么我很好奇在法国的城市里,是不是时
- 这句中文用英语说的话,这样翻译可以吗:人家都说法国人很浪漫,那么我很好奇在法国的城市里,是不是时常可以在大街上看到各种各样的公共示爱行为?The french are said to be really romantic, so I am wondering if we can witness a variety of public displays of affection on streets in a lot of cities in France every now and then?
- 不错,支持一下,好好加油。
- 就像你学中文一样
- 翻译如下:我很好奇他多大了Im cu姬肌灌可弑玖鬼雪邯磨rious about how old he is注意语序。
- 好奇Be curious
- 生硬的翻译可以是:作为一个具有互助互爱的传统美德的中国人。。。但是要优化下也不是不可:作为一个中国人,我们有着互助互爱的传统美德,我们应该在他人需要帮助时毫不犹豫的伸出援手。
- 最近想报班学习英语口语~求指导
- 比克英语感觉还可以吧!具体不知道耶。。。没上过比克英语,听说比克英语的老师都还行的,不过我是在伯瑞英语学习的,老师很耐心负责。比克英语就不知道啦~~~
- 本人小学毕业,但一身非常敬佩会讲英文的中国姑娘,因为我压根不懂英语,所以产生的好奇心,本人现在23岁,男,身高168有房(价值40万左右)无车,无外债,有存款7万,现月收入8000-12000元,真心想找一位会讲英文的中国姑娘嫁给我,我愿意用寿命作为代价去爱她,去尊重她 ,去敬佩她。
- 你如果寿命明天就死了,那人家今天嫁给你不成寡妇
- 觉得好奇怪啊,平常我们英语课本上的课文都是些文学性质的课文,都是很温柔,不涉及到对某现象的论证,怎么等到考四六级考试就要考议论文呢?感觉考试作文与现实教学内容脱节。
- 不奇怪,常有的事,我也一样