

very good!世界杯是4年一届的足坛盛会,可以看到运动员为国家队拼尽全力永不放弃的精神,也可以看到世界杯球星间的惺惺相惜,有一种超越国界的友谊。


以下是疯狂动物城读后感50字英文:A modern animal city, where every animal has its own habitat, such as Sahara Square in desert climate, perennially cold glacial towns and so on.

It’s like a big melting pot, where animals live peacefully together – whether elephants or mice, if you work hard, you can make a difference.

Judy Rabbit dreamed of becoming a policeman in an animal city from an early age, although everyone around him felt that it was impossible for a rabbit to become a policeman.

But through her own efforts, she joined all the big animal city police station and became the first rabbit police officer.

To prove herself, she was determined to solve a mysterious case. On the way to the truth, Judy forced Nick.

the fox who lives in the animal city by hoodwinking and kidnapping, to helpherself.However.

it was found that behind the case there was a huge plot to subvert the Animal City. They had to work together to try to uncover the truth behind the great plot.

有木有人能用英文来写《霍比特人3 五军之战》的观后感?

  • 问题补充: 不要太长,大概六句左右~
  • 你去豆瓣找几句,用软件翻译一下得了。


  • 恭喜2

求 电影《霍比特人2》观后感 要英文版的

  • 不要太长急求!!!
  • 没有的看的啊


  • 要原创的!问题补充: 非原创的绝不采纳!
  • "The Great Dictator" is Charlie Chaplins film set in the fictional country of Tomania, which is analogous to Germany prior to and during the rise of the Nazi party. Chaplin successfully blended humor with anti-fascist social commentary to produce a great film.Chaplin himself has a double role in the film. First, he is Adenoid Hynkel, who represents Adolf Hitler. Chaplin manages to make his representation of the nefarious dictator highly amusing. He also plays another role as a Jewish barber subjected to the repressive policies of Hynkel. The other performances in the film were excellent as well, and Jack Oakie deserves particular note as the showy and blunt Benzini Napaloni, representing Benito Mussolini.The film starts by showing Tomania in World War I, and there are some amusing scenes here before the end of the war and the rise of Hynkel. Hynkel is shown in a scene that mocks the platform speeches of Hitler. Admittedly I didnt find the speech shouted in mock German particularly amusing, although it was amusing how the Goebbels and Goering equivalents were named "Garbitsch" and "Herring".After the platform speech, this film gains a lot of momentum. There is a variety of humor, including funny physical comedy scenes like the "globe" scene and the portrayal of Hynkels routine. There was a lot of great comedic dialogue too, some of which is darkly humorous given the full historical context. When this film isnt f……余下全文

the man from snowy river 英文观后感

  • 100~500个单词左右。。急求
  • dggggggggggggggggggggg


  • 最好是分一下几个点:1,介绍作者2,介绍这副图画(用了什么绘画技术),3,介绍图画所讲的故事以及绘画的细节。要英文的,差不多2页就行。写的好我会加分啊!!谢谢!!!!!
  • Bcgbjgdgnvdvnvxcbfsvbbgdvcbnvbccbnbcbnbcccccbcgcvcbnbdfsmbssqngwesggfwc


  • 莎莉是外星人根据获取的资料模拟的指挥官 是个虚拟的人杰克炸的是外星人 因为他的记忆恢复后明白自己是个克隆人在帮助外星人破坏地球 他选择正义就炸了它 假籂锭焚瓜莳盖锋睡福精外星人是地球人 现存人类的指挥官 当然是好人

美剧 英文观后感。速求。200字

  • 观看推荐美剧,并选择一部撰写观后感,开学上交。 推荐影片:励志系–《破产姐妹》《疯人疯语》友情系–《老友记》《老爸老妈浪漫史》执着系–《国土安全》《绝命毒师》家教系–《家有喜旺》《摩登家庭》《极品老妈》
  • 破产姐妹 美剧最出名的应该就是室内情景剧,《破产姐妹》无疑是成功的,它除了笑料不断,更在向人们传递着一种为了梦想坚持不懈的精神。 故事发生在纽约的布鲁克林区,从故事上我们不难看出来,这是一个三教九流的地方。娇娇女Caroline因为父亲的破产,不得不从曼哈顿来到这个小饭店来工作,作为一个身上只有一套香奈儿套装却生无分文女孩,她并没有愁眉苦脸,郁郁寡欢,而是在尽力的学习融入这里,更是在偶然发现Max有一手烤纸杯蛋糕的绝活时,发现了商机。而Max虽然生活在穷人区,却有一副极其乐观的性格,无比强大的内心。二人为了实现自己能开蛋糕店的心愿,坚持不懈,一分一毫的攒钱,只要两个女孩团结一致并持之以恒,她们终能在这个梦幻般的大都市里找到属于自己的位置。 这让我想到了,在现在这个都市里,有多少人有梦想,又有多少人能为了梦想坚持,只要我们努力,尽力了,我们一定能创造出我们自己的一片天。(楼主 我尽力了)


  • 要初一学生能看懂的
  • 翻墙到lmdb找


  • 不要复制,100字左右,20分悬赏
  • 中文的可以么,我的英文水平太差了