1. 祝你成功上岸 I hope to get ashore successfully
2. 上游,是劈波斩浪的终点,下游,是懦夫的一帆风顺。Upstream, it is the end of the split the mighty waves, downstream, cowards plain sailing。
3. 克服困难,勇敢者自有千方百计,怯懦者只感到万般无奈。To overcome difficulties, the brave do everything possible, the cowardly only feel helpless.
4. 放弃了就彻底输了,坚持至少还会有一线希望。Give up is completely lost,persistence will have at least a glimmer of hope。
- The ultimate goal of everyones career is two, one is for fame, the other is for profit. Everyone cant escape fame and fortune. Its just that some people are hard to succeed in their career and always fail. While some people have a fruitful career. The larger the scale of their career, the better their career will be. Many people may know the reason for this phenomenon. Everything is fate. Its up to people to predict their career. Next, we will introduce the eight characters of fruitful career in detail. Lets take a look at the people who have made such great achievements in their career.The wounded officer has the same social reputation as the seven killers. When the injured officials are effective, they will also show arrogance and selfishness, look down on people who are inferior to themselves, think about problems with self-centered, like freedom, unrestrained, flattering, and vain. Whether a person can make suanmianzhun.com money depends not only on the wealth itself, but also on the source of wealth? Money without a source is dead money. Those who have a fruitful career will have a source of wealth, and there are many sources of wealth. It is for the sake of food injury to make money. Wealth begets officials and career success.Food injury represents the talent and talent of the Japanese Lord. The eight characters can bring food injury to the financial star, which means that the Japanese Lord can transform his talent and wisdom into theoretical economic benefits. Such people often make money, so they are very suitable for entrepreneurship and wealth. They only need the common good fortune, and can obtain good results in the field of trade.
- 人活着还是糊涂点好,她赚钱也是为了你们的将来,对她好点,你吃一个鸡蛋难道还找到哪只鸡下的,会赚钱的人,有的是机会
- 如题
- 翻译Please send the goods to Hongkong as soon as possible, customs clearance time has been very tight, if not timely arrival will not be able to ensure smooth customs clearance请尽快将货物发往香港,清关时间已经非常紧张,如果不能及时到达将不能保证顺利清关
- dear,everything goes well I love you
- 最好学制也要短一些,因为平时还要工作。谢谢各位!
- 不有参加联考,现在好象没有这样的研究生了。就算工程硕士也要参加学校的考试吧。
希望你工作顺利健康快乐。 英语
- wish you all the best
怎样学好英语 要求能和外国人顺利交流
- 出国留学
- 刚追女朋友时,我给她寄过一张卡片,是祝愿她英语六级能顺利通过,现在一年多了,她在收拾宿舍时翻到了,然后发信息给我说,我给你保存了这么久,赖上你了,一顿饭是打发不了我的,给我发红包,我没有给她,我说最近要买房卡里就剩两毛四了,其实她也知道我是不想给,然后已开玩笑结束,晚上给她打电话,明显不高兴,就因为没有给他发红包说我抠唆,大家好我做错了吗?我们是异地,但是她跟我睡过,从窢埂促忌讵涣存惟担隶谈恋爱一年多了,她没有为我花过一分钱,现在她的电话费水电费都是我交的,女人在没有结婚前就是让男人付出的吗?我真的好累,是我情商太低还是女孩都这样,过来人帮帮分析分析
- 自私拜金女
一切都在顺利的进行着 英语怎么写
- everything is going smoothly.