unsatisfied不满意的(指不满足) dissatisfied不满意的(含有抱怨的意味)或者说dissatisfied是不满意的, 不高兴的;令人不愉快,而unsatisfied不满意的,未得到满足的,unsatisfactory:Not satisfactory; inadequate.不令人满意的;不足的
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- 我们公司在2月22日至2月28日举办了一场乒乓球比赛,12名乒乓球爱好者参加了这次比赛。本次比赛采用三局两胜,积分赛,循环制。也就是说每一名队员都要与其余11名对手过招。2:0则积两分,2:1则积1分。这12名参赛队员代表了我们公司乒乓球的最高水准。其中有综合实力占绝对优势的周,擅长弧圈球进攻的吴。可以毫不夸张的说,前两名是他们的囊中之物。比赛进行的非常激烈,大家为了争夺第三名都使出了浑身解数。小球在桌子上左右飞舞,喝彩声与叹息声此起彼伏。每天中午大家都摩拳擦掌来到活动室,期待着与对手一决胜负。比赛结束,大家都议论纷纷地离开,讨论着当天的比赛亮点。经过六天的激烈争夺。最终,实力强大的周峰获得20分,以独孤求败之势夺得了冠军。吴文杰积16分,获得亚军。平时默默无闻的庄成为了本次比赛最大的黑马,居然2:0战胜了实力强大的吴,最终积14分,勇夺第三名。乒乓球是非常有益身体的一项运动,既能锻炼身体,又能提高反应能力,希望越来越多的同胞们能参与到这项运动中来。
- Our company held a table tennis match in February 22nd to February 28th, 12 table tennis enthusiasts to participate in this competition. The game uses the three game two wins, points race, circulation system. That is to say each team member and the remaining 11 teams. 2:0 is a product of two points, 2:1 accumulates 1 points. The highest level of the 12 team members on behalf of our table tennis. The comprehensive strength of the dominantweek, at the loop attack wu. It is no exaggeration to say, the top two are in the bag.The game was very fierce, we resorted to use all ones skill in order to compete for third places. The ball left on the table dancing, cheering and sigh As one falls. The daily noon everybody to be eager for a fight to the activity room,look forward to working with the opponent play off for the victory. The end of the game, everyone There were many discussions. Left, discuss the game window.After six days of intense competition. Finally, the powerful Zhou Feng got 20 points, with the expansion of the potential won the championship. Wu Wenjie product 16 points, won the runner up. Usually unknown to the public ofZhuang become the games biggest dark horse, even 2:0 to defeat the powerful Wu, the final product 14 points,won the third.Table tennis is a sport very beneficial to the body, not only physically, but also can improve the reaction ability,hope more and more people are able to participate in the sport in the past.请采纳,谢谢
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- 1. 支付方式如下:(1) 合同生效后 3 日内,甲方向乙方提供开票所需信息,乙方收到信息后3日内向甲方提供50%报酬总额的预付款(增值税)发票,甲方收到发票确认无误后,7日内向乙方一次性支付报酬总额的50%金额: 壹万柒仟柒佰伍拾元整;(2) 本期活动结束后,预计2014年4月30日(具体以实际活动结束时间为准)。乙方向甲方提供活动报告,甲方确认无误后,即可向乙方提供开票所需信息,乙方收到信息后3日内向甲方提供50%报酬总额的尾款(增值税)发票,甲方收到发票确认信息无误后, 30日内向乙方支付剩余50%报酬金额:壹万柒仟柒佰伍拾元整;Article 4 甲方的主要义务2. 在合同生效后 3 日内向乙方提供相关二维码展示内容材料;3. 按约向乙方支付报酬,乙方开户银行帐户为: 20030122000096033 ,开户行为: 宁波银行翠柏支行。4. 协助乙方及时完成需要配合事项。Article 5 乙方的主要义务1. 2014 年 4 月 3 日前完成二维码制作、服务器搭建及测试工作;2. 依照甲方指定技术指标完成系统建设工作3. 活动结束后,提供乙方二维码扫描的数据统计资料;4. 发现甲方提供的技术资料、数据、材料等不符合合同约定时,应在合同生效后及时通知委托方改进或者更换;5. 应对甲方交给的技术资料、样品妥善保管。
- 1. methods of payment are as follows: (1) in 3rd after the entry into force of the contract, party a to party b provide information needed for invoicing, party b to party a within the 3rd 50% after receipt of the information a total compensation advance payment (VAT) invoices, the customer after receipt of invoice verification, 7th 50% of the total lump sum payment paid to party b amount: HK Qi QIAN Qi Bai Wu picked up; (2) after the end of this period, expected on April 30, 2014 (subject to the actual end time). Str to the customer to provide activity reports, customer verification, you can provide invoicing information required to party b, party b to party a within the 3rd 50% after receipt of the information at the foot of the total compensation (VAT) invoices, customer receives an invoice after confirming that the information is correct, 30th to party b pay 50% remuneration amount: HK Qi QIAN Qi Bai Wu picked up; Article 4 the customers primary obligations 2. Within 3rd party after the entry into force of the contract provides QR code presentation materials; 3. press about payments to party b, party bs bank account: 20030122000096033, Bank: Bank of Ningbo cuibai sub-branches. 4. assist party b finish will need to match. Article 5 party primary obligations 1. Completed by April 3, 2014 QR code production, the server set up and testing; 2. in accordance with a designated technical indicators system construction work 3. After the event, provide STR QR code scann……余下全文
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