


中英文简历 翻译有靠谱的吗?

  • 有道语音翻译


  • 1·配合店长协调其他两个部门的工作,保障后勤,账务信息准确,成功设计实验向社区老人普及科普知识。2响应学校及学院的号召,及时公布科创信息,组织大家积极参与科研活动,申报课题,连续两年实验技能大赛中获得优异成绩。3“富硒抹茶抗肿瘤实验;大三参与“纳米粒子对二十二碳六烯酸微胶囊制品缓释机理的影响”且成功申报上海市大学生创新活动计划。4 手语社义演;爱心献血;上海市“我们的年轻范”青年全城劝募行动;科学商店-碳酸饮料进社区志愿者活动,现场做实验普及科普知识。语言表达清晰,服务意识增强。5熟练掌握烤箱的各种用法,烘焙点心,脆皮蛋糕等,成功销售烤箱蒸箱数台,得到店长的认碃触百吠知杜版森保缉可。6负责糖果的试吃和销售,工作认真负责,懂得了如何让人欣然了解并购买商品,提高了沟通交际能力和销售技巧。问题补充: 不要机器翻译啊,追加的啊
  • 1. coordination with the manager of two other departments to ensure logistics, accounting information is accurate, successful design experiments to popularize scientific knowledge communities for the elderly. 2 schools and colleges respond to the call, timely disclosure of information Kechuang, we actively participate in the organization of scientific research activities, reporting issues, experimental skills contest for two consecutive years to get excellent results. 3 "Se Matcha antitumor experiments; junior participation" influence of nanoparticles on Docosahexaenoic acid microcapsules product of sustained-release mechanism "and declare the success of college students in Shanghai innovative activities planned .4 sign language club charity; blood donation; Shanghai "Our young fan" city youth fundraising operations; Science Shop – carbonated beverages into the community volunteer activities, field experiment popularize science knowledge articulate language, enhance service awareness .5 mastered the various uses of the oven, baking snacks, crispy cakes, successfully sold several steamer oven, get the managers approval .6碃触百吠知杜版森保缉 responsible and try to eat the candy sales, serious and responsible, know how to make people understand and gladly buy goods, improve communication and communicative competence and sales skills.


  • 201305 — 至今 D公司 | 财务部 | 应收会计 行业类别:快速消费品(食品饮料烟酒日化) | 企业性质:外商独资 | 规模:1000-9999人 | 职位月薪:4001-6000元月工作描述:1.核对下属黄浦,长宁两区共计16家门店日收款现金,银行,分期与门店收银所提供的销售日报表以及录入Oracle(JDE)系统中水晶报表的数据2.勾销Oracle(JDE)系统中相对应的货款,分入不同的银行账号并扣除对应手续费,3.完成每月D公司所属各体系下银行调节表的制作,找出其中存在的收入错误,通知对应区块收银组长催收或退回,并进行相应的账务处理4..完成大客户部每月转账或支票收入的确认5.装订相关收款凭证与会员合同 201206 — 201304 C | 财务部 | 财务主管总帐主管 行业类别:零售批发 | 企业性质:民营 | 规模:100-499人 | 职位月薪:4001-6000元月工作描述:A集团新设立C公司后,本人由集团财务经理委派,从B公司调任C公司任职总账会计,主要内容包括:1、公司前期开办时期费用归集,基本户开户,申办农行网银,一般纳税人认定,用友财务帐套初始化设定2、负责公司的会计核算事宜,及时做好凭证的编制、登记,做好账证相符、账表相符;3、按月度及时填制并报送会计报表,包括成本报表、费用报表、工资报表、报表附注、科目余额表和财务情况说明等;4、按月、季、年度及时进行税务申报及汇算清缴,依法正确计提和上缴各项税费,并负责公司税费台账的登记和管理;5、根据计划、预算指标审核各类成本费用支出单据,并报告计划和预算的执行情况;6、负责公司固定资产核算,做到账、卡、物相符,并按规定准确分类、编号、计提折旧;7、做好会计基础工作,建立并负责公司固定资产、低值易耗品台账管理,直接参与公司各项资产的清查和盘点;8、配合各经营管理部门,核对应收应付事项以及及时清理债权债务,加速资金周转;9、对公司的会计凭证、各类账表定期打印、收集整理、装订成册、登记编号,按照《会计档案管理办法》妥善保管,并按照规定程序办理销毁报批手续201103 — 201206 B | 财务部 | 财务主管总帐主管 行业类别:零售批发 | 企业性质:外商独资 | 规模:100-499人 | 职位月薪:2001-4000元月工作描述:经A集团有限公司财务经理认可后,推荐至新秀集团有限公司下属全资内贸全资子公司B公司担任总账会计一职,全面负责一个国内贸易公司的财务工作,与C公司工作经历基本相同 201010 — 201103 A | 财务部 | 财务助理会计助理 行业类别:耐用消费品(服饰纺织皮革家具家电) | 企业性质:外商独资 | 规模:1000-9999人 | 职位月薪:2001-4000元月工作描述:作为A集团财务储备干部培养,进行上市工作的相关内审,凭证查阅,核对等工作,管理,记录,归档各项财务文件兼任A集团下属房地产企业总账会计,制作每月凭证交由财务经理审核,购买,开具相关房租租赁发票,计提,申报各项税费,国地税报表,协助财务经理完成其他相关交予的任务
  • 201305 – so far the accounting industry financial department | ar D | categories: fast moving consumer goods (food drink alcohol day) | enterprise nature: a wholly foreign owned | size: 1000-9999 | salary: 4001-6000 yuan month job description: 1 check under the Huangpu, Changning district two, a total of 16 stores, cash cash, the bank cashier, staging and stores the daily sales report and input Oracle (JDE) system in crystal reports data 2. Oracle (JDE) corresponding to the payment system, divided into different bank account and deducted from the corresponding fees, 3 completed the D system under the monthly bank reconciliation, find out the existing income error, inform the corresponding block cashier team leader collection or return, and accounting treatment of 4.. Corresponding complete confirmation of the customer department monthly transfer or check income 5 binding related receipts and a member of 201206 contract – 201304 C | financial department | Finance Director General Ledger Supervisor industry categories: Retail wholesale | ownership: private | size: 100-499 | salary: 4001-6000 yuan month job description: A group set up C company, I by finance manager group assignment, from B company For general ledger accounting transfer C company, the main contents include: 1, the company pre opening period costs, basic user accounts, the bank net silver, the general taxpayer, UFIDA financial account setup 2, responsible f……余下全文


  • 本人性格热情开朗,待人友好,为人诚实谦虚。工作勤奋,认真负责,能吃苦耐劳,尽职尽责,有耐心。具有亲和力,平易近人,善于与人沟通。本人是青岛本地人,对于想在青岛发展业务的贵公司某种程度上有一定帮助。本人英语口语能力较大多数同学来说有优势,同外国人进行基本日常非专业的交流问题不大。本人自学通过了国家证券从业资格证考试。本人打字速度每分钟100个左右。本人可以驾驶各种汽车,摩托车,汽车驾龄已达2年半。本人爱好摄影,有一部单反相机,虽然技术一般但是可以为公司服务。本人熟练运用PS软件。曾担任系学生会外联部干部、系团总支组织部副部长、班级生活委员等,在学生工作和外出拉赞助与商家联系的过程中,大大提高了自己的办事和处事能力。此外,还积极参加课外文体活动,各种社会实践活动和兼职工作等,以增加自己的阅历,提高自己的能力。在工作中体会办事方式,锻炼口才和人际交往能力。在平时学校生活中,做过很多兼职。例如:家教、电话访问员、酒楼服务员、派传单、问卷调查,还到工厂打过暑期工,亲身体会了各种工作的不同运作程序和处事方法,锻炼成了吃苦耐劳的精神,并从工作中体会到乐趣,尽心尽力。四年的大学生涯,让我的组织协调能力、管理能力、应变能力等大大提升,使我具备良好的心理素质,让我在竞争中拥有更大的优势,让我在人生事业中走得更高更远。 数字媒体艺术【本科,学制4 年】本专业是一个宽口径的以技术为主,艺术为辅,技术与艺术相结合的新专业。旨在培养具有良好的科学素养以及美术修养、既懂技术又懂艺术、能利用计算机新的媒体设计工具进行艺术作品的设计和创作的复合型应用设计人才。是计算机专业与传统的动画专业相结合的交叉学科。问题补充: 请不要用百度谷歌机翻,谢谢
  • I am a warm and cheerful, friendly, honest and modest.Work hard, serious and responsible, can hard-working,conscientious, have patience. Has the affinity, amiable and easy of approach, be good at communicating with people.I am a native of Qingdao, for the Qingdao business development company to some extent help.My oral English is most students have the advantage ofcommunication problems, not the basic daily nonprofessional with foreigners.I teach myself through the national securities qualification certificate examination.My typing speed is about 100 or so.I can drive all kinds of automobile, motorcycle, automobiledriving age over 2 and a half years.I love photography, there is a single lens reflex camera,although the technology but can be of service to the company.I am skilled in using PS software.Served as students Liaison Department cadre departmentvice minister, Ministry, Youth League organization life member of the class, the students work and go out for sponsorship and business links in the process, greatlyimproving their work and their ability. In addition, still actively participate in extracurricular activities, various social activities and part-time work, in order to increase their experience, improve their ability. In the work of service mode, exercise eloquence and interpersonal skills.In the normal school life, done many part-time. For example: tutor, telephone interviewers, restaurant waiter,leaflets, questionnaire investigation, and also to the factor……余下全文

优秀本科毕业论文 英语翻译是什么?写英文简历。。。求!

  • 如题问题补充: 要地道的翻译。不是有道金山那种翻译过来的~多谢!
  • outstanding undergraduate graduation thesis望采纳。


  • 关于实习: 经过了两年多的大学生活我认识到了自己需要学习的远不是只有书本的知识,走向社会,我们是要跟各种人和事打交道的,实习是我们接触社会的平台,很感谢像安永这样的企业能给我们提供这样的平台,让我们有机会体验真实工作,接触真实业务,同时也能展现自我,实现价值。 我去年暑假在一个税务师事务所实习过,随后又做过一段时间校园代理,在之后的一个学期里做办公室助理。以上这些都是经过自己努力得到的实习机会,也是我为更进一步深入实习做的准备,##,便是我的下一个愿景。 关于个人: 我认为自己的优势在于会与他人合作,这得益于我在学生会的历练,经常会有team work需要大家一起协作来完成。一个好的团队最主要的是领导者,其次是每个个体的分工,一个好的领导者能够把团队中每个人的价值发挥到最大。当然,纸上谈兵没用,只有在实际工作中才能不断历练不断成长,希望##能给我一个机会。 其次是可塑性,我能够一直保持对新鲜事物的好奇和探寻的精神状态,也许现在知识和经验的积累不够,但是我有空间成长进步。乔布斯演讲中提到“Stay hungry, Stay foolish”我愿意从基础开始,一步步向前。 关于期待: 印在校招的宣传单上的话很吸引我,“Be yourself,Create your future”做自己,创未来,每个人都只有做好自己才能做好其他的事,##这样关注个人成长,关注细节,让我感到很温暖也很期待,我会做好自己的该做的努力,创造属于自己的未来。
  • work experience:My summer holiday in 2012 as a private math tutoring, unanimously praised by students and parents and be parents request as a tutor for a long time2011 · 9-2013.9 term class athletics member of committee, during sports training organization in the class collective project, not only to obtain the ideal places, the affection between the classmate also improved by training2013 · 2-2013.9 as a mathematics teacher in training institutions3951 are popular with students and workleadership position and other accomplishments;‘As a group of planners to return to his Alma mater3 let the long-lost 40 teachers and students feel the positive energy and warmth from the activity'self-employed' practice as a team leader, has carried on the purchase, sales, accounting, results show the arrangement of a series of procedures such as, praised by the teacher'bicycle QiYou activities as a planner, let 18 players for the four hour ride, you feel happy movement.

英文简历 求翻译

  • 有在多家单位和公司的实习和兼职经历,对工作认真负责,学习能力强,熟练操纵auto cad,solid-works等软件;会用c语言编写一般程序。待人真诚,善于沟通、协调有较强的组织能力与团队精神,有很强的忍耐力、意志力和吃苦耐劳的品质。
  • In many units and companies internships and part-time experience, the work of conscientious and responsible, strong learning ability, skilled manipulation of auto cad, solid works – such as software; Will be written in c language program in general. Sincere, good at communication, coordination has the strong organization ability and team spirit, have very strong endurance, willpower and bear hardships and stand hard work quality.


  • *姓名:任俊靓*性别:男*身高(cm):175体重(kg):80*健康状况:良好*民族:汉族*出生年月:1989-09*婚姻状况:未婚*身份证号:120106198909024512*政治面貌:群众*最高学历:大专*最高学位:无*毕业时间:2010-06*是否有海外教育经历:否*是否有直系亲属受雇于本公司或本公司的分(子)公司:否*是否在本公司有实习经验:否*入学前户口所在省份(生源):天津*现居住地:天津*个人评价:本人吃苦耐劳,勤劳勤奋,善于学习,有着良好的团队精神,团结集体,积极工作,适应环境强。现在很希望加入大众这个团队和团队一起进步成长。*电子邮件:249600029@qq.com
  • 靓*性别:男*身高(cm):175体重(kg):80*健康状况:良好*民族:汉族*出生年月:1989-09*婚姻状况:未婚*身份证号:120106198909024512*政治面貌:群众*最高学历:大专*最高学位:无*毕业时间:2010-06*是否有海外教育经历:否*是否有直系亲属受雇于本公司或本公司的分(子)公司:否*是否在本公司有实习经验:否*入学前户口所在省份(生源):天津*现居住地:天津*个人评价:本人吃苦耐劳,勤劳勤奋,善于学习,有着良好的团队精神,团结集体,积极工作,适应环境强。现在很希望加入大众这个团队和团队一起进步成长。*电子邮件:249600029@qq.com我有更好的答案