泰勒公式(Taylor’s formula)
泰勒中值定理:若函数f(x)在含有x的开区间(a,b)有直到n+1阶的导数,则当函数在此区间内时,可以展开为一个关于(x-x。)多项式和一个余项的和: f(x)=f(x。)+f'(x。)(x-x。)+f”(x。)/2!*(x-x。)^2,+f”'(x。)/3!*(x-x。)^3+……+f(n)(x。)/n!*(x-x。)^n+Rn(x)
其中Rn(x)=f(n+1)(ξ)/(n+1)!*(x-x.)^(n+1),这里ξ在x和x.之间,该余项称为拉格朗日型的余项。 (注:f(n)(x。)是f(x。)的n阶导数,不是f(n)与x。的相乘。)
多项式函数指的是一个常数项、一次项、二次项、三次项等等数次幂项组成的函数,且每个项的系数都是实数或复数。例如,$f(x)=ax^3+bx^2+cx+d$ 就是一个三次多项式函数,其中 $a$、$b$、$c$、$d$ 都是实数。
- 66题我想用泰勒公式来证明。显而易见的有x∈(a,b),使得f(x)>0且f(x)=0。然后将f(a)在这个点泰勒展开。问题的关键是如何用数学需要论述出存在这个点,没思路啊。总不能说显而易见存在这么个点吧?
- On the Mean Value Theorem and Taylors formula Mean Value Theorem and Taylors formula is the basic formula of differential calculus, which constitute an important part of the basic theory of calculus. Mean Value Theorem is a advantaged(powerful) tool to research functions own nature(properties) on the interval which take advantage of the properties of functions. It includes: Rolle theoreom; Lagrange mean value theorem; Cauchy Mean Value Theorem. Taylors formula is an important in mathematical analysis, which is widely used in the calculation and proof of a number of important issues(problems). This article describes some of their applications. Mean Value Theorem; Taylor formula; limits; inequalities.单复数可以调整下,细节可以调整下,句型变化还有许多的。
泰勒中值定理不太懂,:有人说是拉格朗日中值定理的无限展开, 即 f(x)=f(x。)+f ’(x。
- 泰勒中值定理不太懂,:有人说是拉格朗日中值定理的无限展开,即 f(x)=f(x。)+f ’(x。)(x-x。),然后对f ’(x。)(x-x。)再展开就出现二阶导,但是我不会展。。。。
- 不会
- 66题我想用泰勒公式来证明。显而易见的有x∈(a,b),使得f(x)>0且f(x)=0。然后将f(a)在这个点泰勒展开。问题的关键是如何用数学需要论述出存在这个点,没思路啊。总不能说显而易见存在这么个点吧?
- On the Mean Value Theorem and Taylors formula Mean Value Theorem and Taylors formula is the basic formula of differential calculus, which constitute an important part of the basic theory of calculus. Mean Value Theorem is a advantaged(powerful) tool to research functions own nature(properties) on the interval which take advantage of the properties of functions. It includes: Rolle theoreom; Lagrange mean value theorem; Cauchy Mean Value Theorem. Taylors formula is an important in mathematical analysis, which is widely used in the calculation and proof of a number of important issues(problems). This article describes some of their applications. Mean Value Theorem; Taylor formula; limits; inequalities.单复数可以调整下,细节可以调整下,句型变化还有许多的。