谁知道这是什么药,有没有中文的解释说明?!问题补充Made with noni frui迹盯管故攮嘎归霜害睛t naturally grown in the rich ,fertile soil of the big island of Hawaii,Picked by hand and aged in the traditional way of our forefathers.Honu,the Hawaiian sea turtle,is our family’s aumakua,or protector.Puna is the district where our NONI is grown,and the name we called our grandmother,a truly great lady,who instilled in us the values of hard work,respect for the aina,and honesty in all our dealings. Noni has a long and wonderful history.Morinda citrifolia,or Noni,is one of the oldest of the fruits used by ancient Hawaiian kahuna or healers.The whole Noni plant-fruit,leaves,bark,androot,are believed to have medicinal properties and for centuries the noni fruit has benn uesd as a general tonic for imbalances of the digestive,respiratory,nervous,and immune systems.Our Noni fruit is of the highest quality harvested here in Hawaii.We offer a complete Noni product that is natural,pure and undiluted.