如何提高学生的英语口语能力 英语论文(英语提升)



Our understanding of the Chinese language requires little thought, as we grew up in the Chinese context and became accustomed to phrases and sentences. When learning a foreign language, beginners often hear a foreign language, need first to translate into the mother tongue, and then speak the mother tongue into English, to express. This process is sometimes very laborious, resulting in poor oral expression. Strengthening the context requires listening and speaking more. You can do a lot of listening exercises, such as listening to news, documentaries, and watching movies. I prefer BBC documentaries and news because they use very precise and elegant language. The downside, though, is that sometimes the dialogue doesn’t come to life. Many of my classmates enjoyed watching friends, Modern Family and the Big Bang theory. Listening to authentic material may require subtitling initially, but I suggest that after a while, you try to turn off the subtitling and follow the plot to understand the meaning of the words. If you’re looking for a show, it’s best to look for a show with English subtitles.

A show with Chinese subtitles will make you rely on a Chinese translation very quickly, and the improvement won’t be significant. BBC Radio Dramas are also good, and can be listened to for half an hour before going to bed. Keep track of all the great sentences you see. Keep a small notebook, or jot down phrases, or sentences. It’s best to learn to break up sentences and understand why they are made that way when they are made. Then try changing a few familiar words to see if you can change the sentence.

Put on your headphones and try to read from sentence to sentence. This will improve your language sense. I usually choose the time when I walk to the dining hall to do this, so as not to disturb others in the dormitory, and also to make good use of my spare time. Keep in mind the context in which common statements are used.

If you watch American TV shows, you will find that the usual words, phrases and phrases are used to, and there will be “how are you, ” “thank you, ” and so on. In short, the best you can hope for is that when you hear someone speaking English, you don’t translate English into Chinese in your head and then try to translate it back into English.







记住那些常见的语句所应用的场合。如果去看美剧英剧的话,你会发现,说来说去,常用的词句、短语也就那些,用习惯了,会有“how are you” “Fine thank you”之类的不假思索的即时反应感。







  • 如何提高学生的英语口语表达能力
  • 【如何提高学生的英语口语表达能力】1 多模仿,不管是什么英文都去模仿,比如说英文歌曲,还有英文电视,等等你学他们怎么说话。2 反复练习,一句话你多说几遍,说到你能顺口溜了为止。3 大胆运用,你见到有人说英语你就上去和他交谈,在中国除了老外之外说英语的都是在学习的吧,正好有个机会,不管是说都不放过。4 要以大量的阅读和听力做基础。在读和听的过程中,积累了词汇,掌握了句型,熟悉了用英语表达思想的方式,最重要的是培养了语感。5 口语需要一种自然的、地道的、简单的感觉,而不应仅局限在词汇、语法的条条框框中。一个人把语言说得很难,并不意味着口语水平高。形成“哑巴英语”的一个重要原因就是我们在口语学习中过分强调词汇量、语法,难度过大,与口语交流脱节。口语交流可以自己找合适的平台,比如英语角等这种口语学习平台学习。有时纯粹是为了学语言而去学语言,而不是为了用语言而去学语言。6 如果你把自己说的英语给录制下来,听听自己的录音,若有问题,再加以改正,效果就会更好。


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