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MS(高达系列作品中机动战士的英文简称)机动战士是日本真诚系机器人系列动画《机动战士高达》的机器人角色的统称。而机动战士中的高达(GUNDAM)才是动画的主角代表性机器人。机动战士(英语:MobileSuit,简称MS)是日本动画《机动战士高达》系列当中登场的虚构兵器,也是一种机器人,在绝大部分的场合是指人形的有人操作机动兵器。“MobileSuit”本词的语源一般认为是出自罗伯特·海因莱茵的《星舰战将》(StarshipTroopers)一书中的地球联邦(TerranFederation)主力陆战军种“机动步兵”(Mobile Infantry)和其单兵装备的“动力战服”(Powered Suit)。
Start everyday with a new hope. leave bad memories behind and have faith for a better tomorrow.翻译成中文:每天开始一个新的希望。 留下不好的回忆,相信有更美妙的明天。
But from then on, he never saw another hare run into the tree stump
1. Strike Gundam
2. Freedom Gundam
3. Justice Gundam
4. Providence Gundam
5. Infinite Justice Gundam
6. Legend Gundam
7. Destiny Gundam
8. Akatsuki Gundam
9. Duel Gundam
10. Buster Gundam
11. Blitz Gundam
12. Aegis Gundam
13. Moebius Zero
14. Raider Gundam
15. Calamity Gundam
16. Forbidden Gundam
17. Chaos Gundam
18. Savior Gundam
19. Gaia Gundam
20. Abyss Gundam
21. Chaos Mirage Gundam
22. Strike Freedom Gundam
23. Saviour Gundam
24. Abyss Destiny Gundam
25. Gaia Gundam II
26. Abyss Zeal Gundam
27. Duel Gundam (Assault Shroud)
28. Strike Noir Gundam
29. Legend Gundam (Seed Mode)
30. Strike Rouge
31. Strike Rouge(Infinite Justice)
32. Strike Daggers
33. GuAIZ(Commander Type)
34. GuAIZ
35. ZGMF-X10A Freedom Gundam
36. ZGMF-X09A Justice Gundam
37. ZGMF-X13A Providence Gundam
38. ZGMF-X56S Impulse Gundam
39. ZGMF-X20A Strike Freedom Gundam
40. ZGMF-X19A Infinite Justice Gundam
41. ZGMF-X42S Destiny Gundam
42. ZGMF-X24S Chaos Gundam
43. ZGMF-X31S Abyss Gundam
44. ZGMF-X88S Gaia Gundam
45. ZGMF-X666S Legend Gundam
46. ZGMF-X25S Murasame Gundam
47. ZGMF-X88S Gaia Gundam II
48. ZGMF-X24SR Chaos Mirage Gundam
49. ZGMF-X56S/β Sword Impulse Gundam
50. ZGMF-X56S/γ Blast Impulse Gundam
51. ZGMF-X42S Destiny Gundam (Heine Westenfluss Custom)
52. ZGMF-X42S Destiny Gundam (Shinn Asuka Custom)
53. ZGMF-XX09T DOM Trooper
54. ZGMF-600 GuAIZ Experimental Firearms Type
55. ZGMF-1000/A1 Gunner ZAKU Warrior
56. ZGMF-2000 GOUF Ignited
57. ZGMF-601R GuAIZ R
58. ZGMF-515AS CGUE Assault
59. ZGMF-X07S Providence Gundam G.U.N.D.A.M. Edition
60. ZGMF-X88S Gaia Gundam III
61. ZAKU Phantom
62. CGUE
63. ZGMF-X08A Gaia Gundam
64. ZMGF-1001H Blaze ZAKU Phantom
65. YMF-X000A Dreadnought Gundam
66. GAT-X303 Aegis Gundam
67. MJOLNIR-01 Delta Plus
68. MSN-00100 Hyaku Shiki
69. MSN-001A1 Delta Plus
70. MSN-06S Sinanju
71. MSN04 Sazabi
72. RX-78-2 Gundam
73. RGM-79 GM
74. MSZ-006 Z Gundam
75. MSZ-010 ZZ Gundam
76. RX-178 Gundam Mk-II
77. RGM-86R GM III
78. RX-93-ν2 Hi-Nu Gundam
79. MSZ-006A1 Zeta Plus A1
80. FA-010S Full Armor ZZ Gundam
81. RX-0 Unicorn Gundam
– I believe that by working together, we can achieve great things and create a better future for ourselves and for generations to come.
– I hope that my words today will inspire you to think differently, to take risks, and to pursue your dreams with passion and determination.
– Thank you for your attention and for giving me the opportunity to share my thoughts with you today.
1. 深入了解页(Title Page):包括演讲者的名字,日期,地点和主题。
2. 开场白(Opening):通常是对听众的欢迎语,可以简短介绍自己和演讲的主题。
3. 主体部分(Body):这是演讲的主要部分,可以分为几许段落。每个段落都应该有一个主题句,接着用具体的例子,事实或数据来支持这个主题句。
4. (Conclusion):拓展资料你的演讲,重申你的主要见解,并给出或者行动呼吁。
5. 问答环节(Q&A):如果有时刻,可以设置一个问答环节,让听众提问。
6. 致谢(Acknowledgements):感谢所有帮助你准备演讲的人,包括你的家人,朋友,同事等。
7. 参考文献(References):如果你在演讲中提到了其他人的研究或见解,你应该在这里列出这些来源。
九、what is time英文演讲稿?
As we all know time is money. Money is precious, so is time. As a result, we can come to the conclusion that time is money. To the majority of people, it seems to be logical and true. However, if we probe deeper into the question, probably, well have another answer.
Time can be turned into money. A wise businessman spends more time in producing goods. With the quality and quantity of his products going up, he can easily make big money. But can we turn money into time? Just imagine, when a millionaire with a large possession of money is dying, what does he wish to buy with all his money? One more year or one more day to live longer? But can he? Of course not.
And what’s more, time can do a lot of things that money cannot do. Just imagine, a student who is weak at maths wants to pass the exam, he has to be hardworking and spend more time to make rapid progress. If he just pays some money, can he pass the exam? Of course not!
So we can say time and money are not equal. Time is more than money. Everyone has the same allotment of time. Some put the limited time into making money, some put it into serving peo-ple heart and soul, and others put it into studies. How do you spend your time, ladies and gentlemen? That’s a question for all of us, which is worth thinking over.
My hometown is a beautiful place.It has a beautiful name Wansheng . There is a 5A scenic spot the Black Valley. It looks like a fairy land. There many hills.I love my beautiful hometown Wansheng. Welcome to Wansheng.